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Small Groups

Small Groups

Internally Strong
Growing Together in Christ



The vision that we have adopted for each of our members at Hope community Church is to be INTERNALLY STRONG AND EXTERNALLY FOCUSED.  In our small group ministry we are striving for a strong spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ and a deep relationship with each other.

We are not putting forth the small group concept to provide a program for a Bible study or a mandate for completing a book study series. Our hope is that our small group ministry will foster a seedbed for generating relationships. If however a small group decides to start a Bible study, dedicate themselves to discipleship, invest in helping the community, or commit to helping in a church project, we would encourage them to pursue those ideas. The cornerstone of the Small Group Ministry is to insure the freedom and flexibility to do those things which will help us grow and better represent our savior. 

The ability to shift focus is at the core of our small group dynamic.

You see we all need strong personal relationships in this life because we just don’t know what tomorrow will bring.  Here are a few stories of Courage, Perseverance, and Trusting God. These are real life stories that sometimes result in conflict and heartache revealing the importance of being INTERNALLY STRONG AND EXTERNALLY FOCUSED.

Stroke I hate you!

More stories coming!

Levels of assimilation in the church

There are three levels people go through when coming to Hope Community Church looking for a small group:

  • Level I      Is entry and awareness.
  • Level II     Is seeking a vehicle that will put them in contact with people and generate friendships.
  • Level III    Is a genuine desire to take those relationships to a deeper personal level within our church community that may last a lifetime.

Level I 
Needs to consist of a congregation that is aware of new people coming through our doors and offering a friendly handshake but not an overbearing greeting. We feel is it also important to provide communications in our lobby that will direct them to existing classes and activities where they can connect.

Level II 
Will consist of all activities that will provide a way for a person to meet and communicate with the congregation.  It can be at a large picnic, or a group gathering such as a party on Saturday night for a football game that is broadcast over the internet and viewed on our big screen.  There will be classes or alternative groups that will provide a forum for interaction with people to get to know each other and also to get to know what our church is about.  We are also making an effort to have a variety of classes during the nine o'clock hour that will appeal to various interests.

Level III 
Would be the level where we are looking for information regarding someone who is interested in small groups. The information we need can be found in a welcome bag or on the back side of a small group brochure at the welcome center. This information will then be forwarded to the small-group ministry leaders which will then be given to the group leaders. Ideally, these perspective small-group people, will, through interaction at level II, generate friendships, common interests, and from that, develop an informal small group among the new friends they have made. Another way to communicate your interest in small groups is to check the box on the back of our connection cards passed down the aisle every Sunday. Those connection cards will be forwarded to the small group ministry leaders and you will be contacted explaining how the process works.

At Hope Community Church the importance of RELATIONSHIP is paramount!

There is a short story of two men, the first was given a fish every day and became dependent upon the person who gave him the fish and learned nothing about personal responsibility.  The second was taught how to fish and became independent and was free to be who he wanted.  The second example is the type of heart we are trying to develop in our church. To seek a spiritually independent relationship with Christ, a healthy relationship with your spouse, and a church "small-group" relationship with each other that will mature and strengthen.

Questions?  Contact the church office
© Hope Community Church, 2010
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